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    :ITIL Service Capability Operational Support and Analysis Exam
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    :ITIL Certification
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    :26 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 03, 2025

ITIL ITIL Certification ITILSC-OSA Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    What is the best definition of an Incident Model?

    A. A type of incident involving an authorized Configuration Item (CI)

    B. The template used by Service Desk analysts to record incidents

    C. A set of pre-defined steps to be followed when dealing with a known type of incident

    D. An Incident that is easy is solved at first contact

  • Question 2:

    Operations Control refers to?

    A. The managers of the Event and Access Management Processes

    B. Overseeing the monitoring and escalating of IT operational events and activities

    C. The tools used to monitor the status of the IT Network

    D. The situation where the Service Desk manager is required to monitor the status of the infrastructure when Service Desk Operators are not available

  • Question 3:

    Which ITIL process ensures that the IT Services are restored as soonas possible in the case of a malfunction?

    A. Change Management

    B. Incident Management

    C. Problem Management

    D. Service Level Management

  • Question 4:

    Which of the following is NOT an objective of Service Operation?

    A. Thorough testing, to ensure that services are designed to meet business needs

    B. To deliver and support IT Services

    C. To manage the technology used to deliver services

    D. To monitor the performance of technology and processes

  • Question 5:


    Vericom is a leading provider of government, business and consumertelecommunication services, and is

    currently seeking ways in which toimprove its utilization of IT services to drive growth across its'

    multiplelines of business. One of the largest organizations in the UnitedKingdom, Vericom is comprised of

    the following business units:

    Verinet (providing ADSL, cable, 3GSM, dialup and satellite services) Infrastructure Services (planning,

    installing and maintaining the PSTN and mobile network infrastructure)

    VericomTV (Pay TV)

    Consumer Sales and Marketing (including 400 Vericom retailoutlets) Business and Government

    Finance and Administration

    Information Technology Services (Shared Service Unit, however some business units also have their own

    internal service provider) Human Resources

    Vericom Wholesale (for wholesale of Vericom infrastructureservices)

    Due to the extensive scope of infrastructure deployed and largeemployee and customer base, Vericom

    continues to rely on legacysystems for some critical IT services; however this is seen as abarrier to future

    organizational growth and scalability of servicesoffered. The CIO of Vericom has also raised the concern

    that whileimprovements to the technology utilized is important, this also needsto be supported by quality IT

    Service Management practicesemployed by the various IT departments.

    The project of improving the IT Service Management practicesemployed by Vericom has been outsourced to external consultantswho are aware of the major IT refresh that is going to be occurringover the next 24 months.

    Refer to the scenario.

    The Verinet business unit which provides internet services is currentlyfacing increased competition from other Internet Service Providersseeking to entice Verinet customers away with offerings such as freeVOIP (voice over internet protocol) and Naked DSL (unconditionedlocal loop). To combat this, Verinet wishes to develop a newmarketing campaign highlighting the high quality and availability ofservices offered. Before this occurs, the Service Manager within Verinet (who haspreviously implemented ITIL in other organizations) hadrecommended implementing Event Management to assist in thecontinued ability for providing high quality, highly available internetservices to the UK population. She has been faced by someresistance, who believe that it is not required as Capacity, Availability,Incident and Problem Management have already been implemented.

    Which of the following would be the BEST response to the Veritnetdirectors in describing the benefits of introducing Event Managementto Verinet?

    A. The implementation of Event Management to complementexisting ITIL processes within Verinet will have a number ofsignificant benefits. The value to the business of implementingthe process is directly seen by the following benefits: Improved speed for Incident and Problem Management foridentifying and analyzing the cause and potential effect Improved ratio of used licenses against paid for licenses Percentage re-use and redistribution of underutilized assetsand resourcesImproved aliment between provided maintenance andbusiness support Improvement in maintenance scheduling and management forCIs

    B. The implementation of Event Management to complementexisting ITIL processes within Verinet will have a number ofsignificant benefits. The value to the business of implementingthe process is generally indirect, but would support anenhanced ability to provide high quality and high availabilityinternet services by: Providing mechanisms for the early detection of incidents andproblems before they impact customers Notify the appropriate staff of status changes or exceptionsthat so that they can respond quickly Providing a basis for automated operations, increasingefficiency and allowing human resources within Verinet to bebetter utilized Providing improved visibility as to the events and interactionsthat occur within the IT infrastructure Providing performance and utilization information and trendsthat can be used for improved capacity planning and systemdesign

    C. The implementation of Event Management to complementexisting ITIL processes within Verinet will have a number ofsignificant benefits. The value to the business of implementingthe process is generally indirect, but would support anenhanced ability to provide high quality and high availabilityinternet services by: Providing mechanisms for the early detection of incidents andproblems before they impact customers Developing capabilities for the monitoring of criticalcomponents of the IT infrastructure for disruptions or breachof utilization thresholds Automating the notification of key staff when exception eventsoccur Providing improved visibility as to the events and interactionsthat occur within the IT infrastructure Reducing the time requirements of manual activitiesperformed by IT staff as part of preventative maintenance.

    D. The implementation of Event Management to complementexisting ITIL processes within Verinet will have a number ofsignificant benefits. The value to the business of implementingthe process is directly seen by the following benefits: Reduced SLA breaches Reduced times required for diagnosis and root-cause analysisof problems Reducing ratio of high priority incidents Reduced Mean Time to Restore (MTTR) for incidents Improved availability levels Improved delivery of capacity and performance, with fewercapacity related incidents.

  • Question 6:

    Which of the following is NOT an example of a Service Request?

    A. A user calls the Service Desk to order a toner cartridge

    B. A user calls the Service Desk because they would like to change the functionality of an application.

    C. A Manager submits a request for a new employee to be given access to an application

    D. A user logs onto an internal web site to download a licensed copy of software from a list of approved options

  • Question 7:


    Brewster's is a toy factory that has been in business for 30 years.The company started with a small family

    run shop and has grownconsistently over the years. They are now supplying toy storesnationwide and are

    considered to be the primary supplier of children'scollectable novelty erasers.

    Brewster's IT department is relatively small (currently 15 staff) butefficient. They have recently employed

    an IT Manager in an attemptto improve the management of the infrastructure, as well as moreeffective use

    of resources and identification of areas for improvement.

    The Brewster's management teams do not have a lot of ITknowledge. The newly appointed IT Manager is

    very ITIL focusedand wants to implement as many ITSM processes as is appropriatethere are currently no

    formal processes in place. On starting with thecompany the IT Manager completed an internal assessment

    of the ITinfrastructure ?including staff skills analysis, and collated the resultsfrom customer satisfaction

    surveys completed over the last 5 years.

    The main areas of concern are as follows:

    Responses from customer satisfaction survey:

    Overall a consistent satisfaction level. However, responses completed during the past 12 months show an

    increase in customers who were unsatisfied with call waiting times when contacting the service desk for

    help with online orders and requests for information.

    Customers added the following additional comments:

    "Never get to speak to the same person twice when dealing with an Incident number, had to call several

    times to receive follow up on progress" "Some of the Service Desk staff seem under qualified to deal with

    my questions about new applications/incidents/service requests"

    Results from Staff Skills Analysis:

    Staff, in general, have a good knowledge of IT systems and a basic understanding of the business

    processes and objectives. However, staff are not well informed of upcoming releases of new or changed

    services and not given adequate information to relay to the customers.

    Staff added the following additional comments:

    "Communication between Service Operation departments has become inefficient - there are meetings for

    the sake of meetings, but the important information we need to know to do our day to day jobs is lacking"

    "I still don't know what half of the people do, that work in the IT department!"

    Results from General IT Infrastructure assessment:

    Lack of event monitoring and planning

    Lack of input from Operational Support departments into Service Design Lack of skill and information

    sharing across the Operational Support teams with regards to Incident, Problem, Workarounds and Known

    Error data. Little to no proactive activities being carried out.

    Refer to Scenario

    Through further investigation you identify that there is no formalmeans of collecting data to identify service

    improvement, other thancustomer surveys. These are very subjective and do not give abalanced picture

    regarding quality of service. Through discussions with the Continual Service ImprovementManager, you

    decide to start collecting a range of metrics to helpidentify service improvements.

    Which metrics would be relevant to Service Desk?

    A. % of calls resolved by Service Desk Average time to identify incident Average time to escalate incident % of user updates conducted within target times Customer feedback Average Service Desk cost of handling incident

    B. % of calls resolved by Service Desk Averagetime to resolve incident Averagetime to escalate incident % of customer updates conducted within target times Customerfeedback AverageService Desk cost of handling incident

    C. o % of calls answered by Service Desk Averagetime to escalate incident % of customer updates conducted within Service Deskhours Customerfeedback Averagecost of handling incident

    D. % of calls answered by Service Desk Averagetime to resolve problems Averagetime to escalate problem % of customer updates conducted within Service Desktimes Customerfeedback Averagecost of handling problem

  • Question 8:

    There have been multiple incidents recorded by the Service Desk. Itappears that the network is congested due to multiple connections.

    What kind of actions should the Service Desk analyst take in thisinstance?

    A. They should ask the Capacity Manager to expand the capacity of the network

    B. They should ask the Problem Manager to look into the problem right away

    C. They should ask the Security Manager to check whether too many authorizations may have been issued.

    D. They should ask the Service Level Manager to revise the Service Level Agreements (SLA) with a decreased availability target

  • Question 9:

    Technical Management is NOT responsible for?

    A. Maintenance of the technical Infrastructure

    B. Documenting and maintaining the technical skills required to manage and support the IT Infrastructure

    C. Defining the Operational Level Agreements for the various technical teams

    D. Diagnosis of, and recovery from, technical failures

  • Question 10:


    Vision Media is an international media organization, operating variouslines of business including:

    Film Production Television (production and delivery of their own channel in the United States VisionOne) Print media (including newspapers in 15 countries) Online Advertising The organization has recently been restructured, and now iscomprised of the following companies and departments:

    Vision Films (production of movies and television shows) VisionOne (television channel) VisionNews (coordinates all of the sub-companies involved in the delivery of printed newspapers, as well as being the centralized source of news information for all company owned media outlets) VisionNet (managing the online and internet businesses) Legal Services Finance and Administration Human Resources Information Technology

    The organization is also actively pursuing growth in the online market,and is currently holding discussions with the leading online newsprovider about the possible acquisition of their company. This wouldincrease the overall size of Vision Media by around 15%.

    The Information Technology department acts as a Shared ServiceUnit, providing IT Services to all of sub-companies and departments,which complement some of the Internal Service Providers that alsoexist. The director of Information Technology has realized the need toimprove the quality of services offered by implementing ITIL, and hasdecided to do so using a phased approach. Some of the ServiceDesign and Service Transition processes have already beenimplemented, and they are now planning the implementation ofService Operation.

    While the IT director does have tentative support from the otherdirectors and CEO, budgets for implementing the Service Operationprocesses have not been finalized, and still require a business caseto be formally submitted.

    Refer to the exhibit.

    Sally Robbins, who had previously managed the IT department'sService Desk, has now been assigned the role of Incident Manager.To assist in the implementation of the process, Sally has conducted anumber of meetings with IT staff, customers, external suppliers andother relevant stakeholders to identify their requirements. Based onthese discussions, Sally has created following impact definitions,which will be used in conjunction to the given urgency to determinethe appropriate timescales and effort applied for response andresolution to recorded incidents.

    Impact Definition: Low Impact Affects a single user, preventing them from performingnormal work functions A single, non-critical device

    or peripheral is unavailable Medium Impact

    Multiple users are affected, preventing them fromperforming normal work functions A regular business function is unavailable to part of aor organizational unit department

    High Impact

    A vital business function is unavailable to an entiredepartment or company owned organization

    Major Incident

    A vital business function is unavailable to all Vision Media departments and company owned organizations

    Example Incidents:

    I. The IT manager of Vision Films detects that their dedicatedVirtual Private Network linking them to Vision Media'scorporate IT systems has failed. This has prevented usersfrom accessing or modifying any file, document or systemmaintained by the centralized IT department of Vision Media.

    II. The vice-president of the Finance and Administrationdepartment reports that her laptop keeps rebooting. She hasan important report to complete for the Chief ExecutiveOfficer.

    III. The president of Vision TV is unable to stream high-definitionvideo from a regional office. He requires the regional office'sWAN connection to be upgraded to a 14.4 M/bit wirelessmobile network.

    IV. A IT staff member is alerted to the failure of systems providedby Human Resources to all other departments and subcompaniesto manage payments and leave for Vision Mediaemployees (and those employed by organizations fully ownedby Vision Media)

    Which of the following responses provides the correct assignment ofimpact to the above incidents?

    A. High Impact

    II. Medium Impact

    III. Not an incident, should be a Request for Change

    IV. Major Incident

    B. High Impact

    II. Low Impact

    III. Not an incident, should be a Request for Change

    IV. Major Incident

    C. Major Incident

    II. Medium Impact

    III. High Impact

    IV. Major Incident

    D. High Impact

    II. Low Impact

    III. Medium Impact

    IV. Major Incident

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