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    :ITIL Service Capability Operational Support and Analysis Exam
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  • Last Updated
    :Mar 03, 2025

ITIL ITIL Certification ITILSC-OSA Questions & Answers

  • Question 11:


    Vision Media is an international media organization, operating variouslines of business including:

    Film Production Television (production and delivery of their own channel in theUnited States VisionOne) Print media (including newspapers in 15 countries) Online Advertising

    The organization has recently been restructured, and now iscomprised of the following companies and departments:

    Vision Films (production of movies and television shows) VisionOne (television channel) VisionNews (coordinates all of the sub-companies involved inthe delivery of printed newspapers, as well as being thecentralized source of news information for all company ownedmedia outlets) VisionNet (managing the online and internet businesses) Legal Services Finance and Administration Human Resources Information Technology

    The organization is also actively pursuing growth in the online market,and is currently holding discussions with the leading online newsprovider about the possible acquisition of their company. This wouldincrease the overall size of Vision Media by around 15%.

    The Information Technology department acts as a Shared ServiceUnit, providing IT Services to all of sub-companies and departments,which complement some of the Internal Service Providers that alsoexist. The director of Information Technology has realized the need toimprove the quality of services offered by implementing ITIL, and hasdecided to do so using a phased approach. Some of the ServiceDesign and Service Transition processes have already beenimplemented, and they are now planning the implementation ofService Operation. While the IT director does have tentative support from the otherdirectors and CEO, budgets for implementing the Service Operationprocesses have not been finalized, and still require a business caseto be formally submitted.

    The IT director is required to submit a business case to the board ofdirectors of Vision Media for the implementation of Service Operation.Which of the following responses is the BEST summary of thebenefits of implementing Service Operation (processes andfunctions), to be included in the business case?

    A. As part of the ongoing Service Management initiative withinVision Media, the implementation of Service Operation is a vitalelement necessary to enable service quality and reduce theoverall expenditure on IT. This is because Service Operation isultimately where the designs and optimizations introduced by ITare supported, and from an IT perspective where the actual valueof IT Service Management is seen. Specific benefits delivered asa result of improved Service Operation includes: Increased effectiveness and efficiency in IT Service deliveryand support Reduced operational spending on IT Increased customer and user satisfaction of IT services Improved availability and performance of agreed IT services Given current plans for growth of Vision Media and possibleacquisitions, the implementation of Service Operation is especiallyimportant to provide processes for reactively managing a growing enduser population and increased scope and complexity in ITinfrastructure utilized.

    B. As part of the ongoing Service Management initiative withinVision Media, the implementation of Service Operation is avital element necessary to further improve service quality, andto realize the value of the previous projects already completed(refer Service Design and Service Transition projects). This isbecause Service Operation is ultimately where the designsand optimizations introduced by IT are executed andmeasured, and from a businessviewpoint where the actualvalue of IT is seen. Specific benefits delivered as a result ofimproved Service Operation includes: Increased effectiveness and efficiency in IT Service delivery and support Increased return on investments (ROI) into IT Increased value on investments (VOI) into IT Increased customer and user satisfaction of IT services Given current plans for growth of Vision Media and possibleacquisitions, the implementation of Service Operation processes isespecially important to provide cost- effective capabilities formanaging a growing end user population and increased scope andcomplexity in IT infrastructure utilized.

    C. As part of the ongoing Service Management initiative withinVision Media, the implementation of Service Operation is a vitalelement necessary to enable service quality and reduce theoverall expenditure on IT. This is because Service Operation isultimately where the designs and optimizations introduced by ITare deployed, and from a business perspective where the actualvalue of IT Service Management is seen. Specific benefitsdelivered as a result of improved Service Operation includes: Fewer disruptions to agreed IT services Reduced operational spending on IT Increased job satisfaction of IT staff Improved availability and performance of agreed IT services Given current plans for growth of Vision Media and possibleacquisitions, the implementation of Service Operation is especiallyimportant to provide processes for reactively managing a growing enduser population and increased scope and complexity in ITinfrastructure utilized.

    D. As part of the ongoing Service Management initiative withinVision Media, the implementation of Service Operation is a vitalelement necessary to achieve service quality and support theobjectives defined for the IT department. This is because ServiceOperation is ultimately where the designs and optimizationsintroduced by IT are supported, and from a business viewpointwhere the actual value of IT is seen. Specific benefits deliveredas a result of improved Service Operation includes: Increased effectiveness and efficiency in IT Service deliveryand support Increased return on investments (ROI) into IT Reduced operational spending on IT Increased customer and user satisfaction of IT services Given current plans for growth of Vision Media and possibleacquisitions, the implementation of Service Operation is especiallyimportant to provide cost-effective processes for managing a growingend user population and increased scope and complexity in ITinfrastructure utilized.

  • Question 12:


    Brewster's is a toy factory that has been in business for 30 years.The company started with a small family

    run shop and has grownconsistently over the years. They are now supplying toy storesnationwide and are

    considered to be the primary supplier of children'scollectable novelty erasers.

    Brewster's IT department is relatively small (currently 15 staff) butefficient. They have recently employed

    an IT Manager in an attemptto improve the management of the infrastructure, as well as moreeffective use

    of resources and identification of areas for improvement.

    The Brewster's management teams do not have a lot of ITknowledge. The newly appointed IT Manager is

    very ITIL focusedand wants to implement as many ITSM processes as is appropriatethere are currently no

    formal processes in place. On starting with thecompany the IT Manager completed an internal assessment

    of the ITinfrastructure ?including staff skills analysis, and collated the resultsfrom customer satisfaction

    surveys completed over the last 5 years.

    The main areas of concern are as follows:

    Responses from customer satisfaction survey:

    Overall a consistent satisfaction level. However, responses completed during the past 12 months show an

    increase in customers who were unsatisfied with call waiting times when contacting the service desk for

    help with online orders and requests for information.

    Customers added the following additional comments:

    "Never get to speak to the same person twice when dealing with an Incident number, had to call several

    times to receive follow up on progress" "Some of the Service Desk staff seem under qualified to deal with

    my questions about new applications/incidents/service requests"

    Results from Staff Skills Analysis:

    Staff, in general, have a good knowledge of IT systems and a basic understanding of the business

    processes and objectives. However, staff are not well informed of upcoming releases of new or changed

    services and not given adequate information to relay to the customers.

    Staff added the following additional comments:

    "Communication between Service Operation departments has become inefficient - there are meetings for

    the sake of meetings, but the important information we need to know to do our day to day jobs is lacking"

    "I still don't know what half of the people do, that work in the IT department!"

    Results from General IT Infrastructure assessment:

    Lack of event monitoring and planning

    Lack of input from Operational Support departments into Service Design Lack of skill and information

    sharing across the Operational Support teams with regards to Incident, Problem, Workarounds and Known

    Error data. Little to no proactive activities being carried out.

    Refer to Scenario

    Which of the following options would be the most effective optionto address the issues identified from the

    Staff Skills Analysis?

    A. Organize a meeting with the managers of each ITdepartment and form a Communication Plan. This planwill include all agreed methods, reasons and a list ofpersonnel to be included for communications within theOperation departments. This plan will then be distributedto all staff, with a memo that will

    include; A photograph of each IT staff member with job title.

    Brief Job Description and explanation of their dayto day activities.

    In addition, make a proposal to the Business that a Release and Deployment Manager is needed, this

    role willnot only take on the responsibility of implementing a formalRelease and Deployment process

    but will, manage thebuild, test and deployment departments and will alsoensure that there is a

    consistent communication route tothe service desk on upcoming releases and organizingtraining/

    knowledge updates and consultation with servicedesk staff on new or changed services.

    B. Organize a meeting with the managers of each IT departmentand form a Communication Plan. This plan will include allagreed methods, reasons and a list of personnel to beincluded for communications within the Operationdepartments. This plan will then be distributed to all staff, witha memo that will include; A photograph of each IT staff member with job title Brief Job Description and explanation of their dayto day activities In addition, ask for the service desk to be sent copies ofthe release schedule so they are informed of upcomingreleases.

    C. Recommend to the Business that a new staff trainingprogram needs to be implemented that will include oneservice desk member per week shadowing a member ofstaff in each of the Business Process areas to learn howthey do things and what the business objectives are. Inaddition, request a weekly update from the build, test anddeployment areas on any upcoming releases, includingany relevant information that will enable the service deskstaff to provide a better service to the customer.

    D. No immediate action required. You will work on a newtraining and communication policy that will formalize theprocess of communication and knowledge transferbetween departments. You will also recommend that thefirst ITSM process to be implemented with be a formalizedIncident Management process to ensure that effectivemeasurements and analysis is taking place and that thereis monitoring of staff competency and skill.

  • Question 13:


    NEB is a financial management company that specializes in lendingmoney for substantial property investments. They have a large ITdepartment that is currently using the following ITSM processes:

    Service Level Management Availability Management IT Service Continuity Management Information Security Management Incident Management Problem Management.

    Each of these processes have been implemented within the plannedtarget time and are working effectively and efficiently. Staff haveadapted to the changes in a very positive manner and see thebenefits of using the ITIL framework.

    Last Saturday, there was a security breach. A previous member ofstaff, who has left the company and joined a competitor organization,has been able to gain access to several client lending files. Afterinitial investigation, it was found that access was not terminated whenthe staff member left the company ?this has highlighted that thereare insufficient processes in place to ensure access rights areterminated when staff leave the company, change roles etc and thereis ongoing investigation to see how many other previous staff stillhave access to the system.

    The business has requested immediate recommendations from the ITManager, as to what can be done to ensure this situation does nothappen again and how best to inform clients, with reference to thesecurity breach.

    Refer to the scenario.

    Which of the following options is most suitable to deal with thissituation?

    A. Your first recommendation is to implement the AccessManagement process as soon as possible. You suggestthat as the IT organization has already effectively andefficiently implemented six processes, they will be able tomanage a well executed and fast implementation. Thisprocess will ensure that access is provided to those whoare authorized to have it and will ensure access isrestricted to those who are not. With regards to informing clients, you recommend thatclients are not told of the situation as you feel it will be toodamaging to the NEB reputation and will result in acatastrophic loss of clientele. You suggest that if clientsare contacted by the competitor organization, theycannotprove that any information has been obtained via NEB filesand (as there is now a plan to implement AccessManagement) NEB can confidently reassure clients thatthere is ample security and access management in placeto ensure this situation could never arise.

    B. Your first recommendation is to implement the AccessManagement process as soon as possible. You suggestthat as the IT organization has already effectively andefficiently implemented six processes, they will be able tomanage a well executed and fast implementation. AsAccess Management is the execution of the policies laidout within the Availability and Information SecurityProcesses, the foundations are already laid. This processwill ensure that access is provided to those who areauthorized to have it and will ensure access is restricted tothose who are not. To ensure alignment between theBusiness and IT, there will need to be integration with theHuman Resources department to ensure there areconsistent communications with regards to staff identity,start and end dates etc.With regards to informing clients of the breach, yousuggest that the clients affected by the breach must beinformed ASAP. You recommend a formal letter is sentfrom senior management to reassure clients that thesituation is being taken seriously and what actions aretaking place to ensure this never happens again. You areaware that this could damage the company's reputation,as security is a critical success factor, but feel that thespecific clients must be informed by NEB ASAP, as thereis a high risk they will be approached by the competitororganization.

    C. Your first recommendation is to implement the AccessManagement process as soon as possible. This processwill ensure that access is provided to those who areauthorized to have it and will ensure access is restricted tothose who are not. With regards to informing clients of the breach, yousuggest that only the specifically affected clients areinformed of the breach, via a formal letter sent from seniormanagement to reassure clients that the situation is beingtaken seriously. You suggest that the tone and focus ofthe letter should emphasize the following points: There has been a `minor' security breach fault of memberof staff, who's employment has now been terminated No data has been `lost or changed' Sufficient action has been taken to ensure this situationdoes not happen again and NEB would like to assure theirclients that there security and continued confidence is ofthe highest importance.

    D. Your first recommendation is to implement the AccessManagement process as soon as possible. You suggestthat as the IT organization has already effectively andefficiently implemented six processes, they will be able tomanage a well executed and fast implementation. Thisprocess will ensure that access is provided to those whoare authorized to have it and will ensure access isrestricted to those who are not.

    With regards to informing clients of the breach, yousuggest that all clients need to be informed of the breachand the action being taken to ensure this does not happenagain. You are aware that this could damage thecompany's reputation, but are concerned that if only thespecificallyaffected clients are informed, word will spreadand the entire client base will feel they have beenkept outof the loop on such an important issue and further damageto NEB's reputation will befelt.

  • Question 14:


    Vision Media is an international media organization, operating variouslines of business including:

    Film Production Television (production and delivery of their own channel in the United States VisionOne) Print media (including newspapers in 15 countries) Online Advertising

    The organization has recently been restructured, and now iscomprised of the following companies and departments:

    Vision Films (production of movies and television shows) VisionOne (television channel) VisionNews (coordinates all of the sub-companies involved in the delivery of printed newspapers, as well as being the centralized source of news information for all company owned media outlets) VisionNet (managing the online and internet businesses) Legal Services Finance and Administration Human Resources Information Technology

    The organization is also actively pursuing growth in the online market,and is currently holding discussions with the leading online newsprovider about the possible acquisition of their company. This wouldincrease the overall size of Vision Media by around 15%.

    The Information Technology department acts as a Shared ServiceUnit, providing IT Services to all of sub-companies and departments,which complement some of the Internal Service Providers that alsoexist. The director of Information Technology has realized the need toimprove the quality of services offered by implementing ITIL, and hasdecided to do so using a phased approach. Some of the ServiceDesign and Service Transition processes have already beenimplemented, and they are now planning the implementation ofService Operation.

    While the IT director does have tentative support from the otherdirectors and CEO, budgets for implementing the Service Operationprocesses have not been finalized, and still require a business caseto be formally submitted.

    Refer to the exhibit.

    The IT director is now considering the implementation of the ServiceOperation functions. However there seems to be overlap between thegoals and objectives for each of the functions, which is causing someconcern among staff involved in the project. Which of the following responses BEST describes the objectives ofthe four Service Operation functions?





  • Question 15:


    You are the CIO of a large stockbroking firm, based in Hong Kong.Recently this company has acquired two other major firms in Londonand New York. Total Company staff now exceeds 800 people. EachFirm currently has their own Service Desk.

    Hong Kong has 10 SD staff to 400 employees, with 6 2nd levelsupport staff London has 3 SD staff to 140 employees with 3 2nd levelsupport staff New York has 5 SD staff to 250 employees with 5 2nd levelsupport staff With this new merger comes new support issues. Complaints arecoming in to say that there si an imbalance with ratio of IT supportstaff to users, Service Desks in London and New York are havingtrouble knowing and supporting new systems which has resulted inusers calling Hong Kong Service Desk. This has resulted in higherresolution times and an inability to get through to the service deskThe Business is not happy with the current situation.

    Refer to the scenario.

    As CIO, you decide to reorganize the Service Desk structure as ameans to address the levels of service. You decide to use a followthe sun Service Desk. Which of the following descriptions to youpresent to the Business as your solution?

    A. By implementing a follow the sun SD, you use current data todetermine minimum staffing requirements in each location tosupport its own location and the expected support levels inother locations. You then ensure that SD staff are trained onall current services. You appoint 2 Super Users per ServiceDesk to act as a buffer and to assist the users. You set up SDschedule based on usage and work hours.

    B. By implementing a follow the sun SD, you use current data todetermine minimum staffing requirements in each location tosupport its own location and the expected support levels inother locations. You then ensure that all SD staff are trainedon all current services and able to provide an average of 60%1st line support as a target you appoint 2 Super Users perlocation to act as a buffer and to assist the users. You set upSD schedule based on usage and work hours

    C. By implementing a follow the sun SD, you will start byinvestigating if the current infrastructure is capable ofsupporting a global service desk, including use of VOIPtechnology (this is possible). You use current data todetermine minimum staffing requirements in each location tosupport its own location and the expected support levels inother locations. You decide to use English as the mainlanguage for all support. You then ensure that all SD staff aretrained on all current services and able to provide an averageof 60% 1st line support as a target you appoint 2 Super Usersper location to act as a buffer and to assist the users. You setup SD schedule based on usage and work hours

    D. By implementing a follow the sun SD, location. You decide tokeep local languages for SD. You use current data todetermine minimum staffing requirements in each location tosupport its own location. You then ensure that all SD staff aretrained on local services and able to provide an average of60% 1st line support as a target.You appoint 2 Super ServiceDesk Operators per location to act as a buffer and to assistthe users.

  • Question 16:

    The success of Service Operation phase is based on some importantCritical Success Factors. From the options below, which would bethe most important for Service Operation?

    A. Management support for using phase Business support to ensure users use Service Desk as little aspossible Champions to drive process


    Staffing and retention of Service Desk

    Service management usage

    Suitable tools ?especially Incident Management

    Measurement and reporting of capacity

    B. Management support for setting up phase Business support to ensure users call Service Desk Champions to lead process implementation Staffing and retention of Service Desk Service management training Suitable tools Measurement and reporting of usage

    C. Management support for setting up SD Business support to ensure users call Service Desk Champions to lead Service Support Staffing and retention of Service Desk Service management understanding Suitable tools ?especially Service Desk Measurement and reporting

    D. Management support for setting up phase Business support to ensure users use Service Desk Champions to lead process implementation Staffing and retention of Service Desk Service management training Suitable tools ?especially Service Desk Measurement and reporting

  • Question 17:

    Functions are best described as?

    A. Self-Contained units of organizations

    B. Inter-related activities with a defined goal or output

    C. Closed loop control systems

    D. A team of IT staff who provide a single point of contact for all user communication

  • Question 18:


    You are the CIO of a large stockbroking firm, based in Hong Kong.Recently this company has acquired two other major firms in Londonand New York. Total Company staff now exceeds 800 people. EachFirm currently has their own Service Desk.

    Hong Kong has 10 SD staff to 400 employees, with 6 2nd level support staff London has 3 SD staff to 140 employees with 3 2nd level support staff New York has 5 SD staff to 250 employees with 5 2nd levelsupport staff

    With this new merger comes new support issues. Complaints arecoming in to say that there si an imbalance with ratio of IT supportstaff to users, Service Desks in London and New York are havingtrouble knowing and supporting new systems which has resulted inusers calling Hong Kong Service Desk. This has resulted in higherresolution times and an inability to get through to the service deskThe Business is not happy with the current situation.

    Refer to the scenario.

    A. B.



  • Question 19:

    What is the difference between a Known Error and a Problem?

    A. The underlying cause of a Known Error is known. The underlying cause of a Problem is not known

    B. A Known Error involves an error in the IT infrastructure, A

    C. Problem does not involve such an error.

    D. A Known Error always originates from an Incident. This is not always the case with a Problem

    E. With a Problem, the relevant Configuration Items have been identified. This is not the case with a Known Error.

  • Question 20:


    Vision Media is an international media organization, operating variouslines of business including:

    Film Production Television (production and delivery of their own channel in the United States VisionOne) Print media (including newspapers in 15 countries) Online Advertising

    The organization has recently been restructured, and now iscomprised of the following companies and departments:

    Vision Films (production of movies and television shows) VisionOne (television channel) VisionNews (coordinates all of the sub-companies involved in the delivery of printed newspapers, as well as being the centralized source of news information for all company owned media outlets) VisionNet (managing the online and internet businesses) Legal Services Finance and Administration Human Resources Information Technology

    The organization is also actively pursuing growth in the online market,and is currently holding discussions with the leading online newsprovider about the possible acquisition of their company. This wouldincrease the overall size of Vision Media by around 15%.

    The Information Technology department acts as a Shared ServiceUnit, providing IT Services to all of sub-companies and departments,which complement some of the Internal Service Providers that alsoexist. The director of Information Technology has realized the need toimprove the quality of services offered by implementing ITIL, and hasdecided to do so using a phased approach. Some of the ServiceDesign and Service Transition processes have already beenimplemented, and they are now planning the implementation ofService Operation.

    While the IT director does have tentative support from the otherdirectors and CEO, budgets for implementing the Service Operationprocesses have not been finalized, and still require a business caseto be formally submitted.

    There is some confusion as to how the process of AccessManagement should be designed. In particular, there is debate as tohow the process should be integrated into the overall approach of ITService Management within Vision Media. The IT director has askedfor submissions from some of her staff, describing how they thinkAccess Management should be designed.

    Which of the following submissions describes the most appropriateway in which to design and implement Access Management withinVision Media?

    A. The design of a quality Access Management process will need toconsider the current state of IT Service Management that exists withinthe IT department, as well as the organizational requirements ofVision Media in general. This will require interfaces to be createdwith: Information Security Management: Which is responsible forthe development and renewal of security policies, guidelinesand procedures, which are then executed by AccessManagement Service Level Management: Which is responsible defining thecustomer requirements for access to IT services Request Fulfillment: Access Management will often betriggered by Service Requests, taken by the Service Desk orsubmitted using automated and self-help mechanisms Change Management: Request for Changes (RFCs) will ofteninvolve modification of access rights Demand Management: Which will provide information as tothe patterns of business that will generate requests foraccess. Outside the scope of IT Service Management, some of the interfacesthat will also need to be created are: Human Resources: So that effective (and automated)communication exists to assist in the creation, modification,removal and audit of access rights. General: Direct requests from department managers Requests for enabling increased access for VIP staff

    B. The design of an efficient Access Management process will need toaccount for the existing IT Service Management processes alreadyimplemented within the IT department, as well as the HumanResource requirements of Vision Media in general. This will requireinterfaces to be created with: Information Security Management: Which is responsible forthe development and renewal of security policies, guidelinesand procedures, which are then executed by AccessManagement Capacity Management: Which is responsible for the design ofsystems and infrastructure, which are in turn supported byAccess Management Knowledge Management: Each Knowledge base will requirevarious levels of access to be defined and enforced. Change Management: Request for Changes (RFCs) will ofteninvolve modification of access rights Demand Management: Which will provide information as tothe patterns of business thatwill generate requests foraccess Outside the scope of IT Service Management, some of the interfaces that will also need to be created are: Legal Services: So that the Legal department can verify the request for access is appropriate and lawful. ?General: Direct requests from department managers Requests for enabling increased access for VIP staff

    C. It is important that the implementation of Access Managementconsiders a number of key interfaces with existing IT ServiceManagement processes, as well as other business processes, toensure success and satisfaction of its defined objectives. Thisincludes: Information Security Management: Which is responsible forthe development and renewal of security policies, guidelinesand procedures, which are then executed by AccessManagement Availability Management: Which is responsible for the designof security systems and infrastructure, which are in turnsupported by Access Management Request Fulfillment: Access Management will often betriggered by Service Requests, taken by the Service Desk orsubmitted using automated and self-help mechanisms Change Management: Request for Changes (RFCs) will ofteninvolve modification of access rights Configuration Management: Which can be used to recordrelationships between users and systems they can access. Outside the scope of IT Service Management, some of the interfaces that will also need to be created are: Human Resources: So that effective (and automated) communication exists to assist in the creation, modification, removal and audit of access rights. General: Direct requests from department managers Requests for enabling restricted access to contractorsand external suppliers

    D. Access Management will need to be implemented in isolation fromexisting IT Service Management processes already in place at VisionMedia so that its' integrity can be ensured. The only exception to thisis Information Security Management, which is responsible for thedevelopment and renewal of security policies, guidelines andprocedures. Access Management uses these as formal inputs, whichare then executed accordingly.

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