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    :ITIL Service Capability Operational Support and Analysis Exam
  • Certification
    :ITIL Certification
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    :26 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 03, 2025

ITIL ITIL Certification ITILSC-OSA Questions & Answers

  • Question 21:

    Which of the following BEST describes the purpose of EventManagement?

    A. To detect events, make sense of them and determine the appropriate control action

    B. To monitor interactions and exceptions within the infrastructure

    C. To monitor and control the activities of technical staff

    D. To detect and escalate exceptions to normal service operation

  • Question 22:


    Brewster's is a toy factory that has been in business for 30 years.The company started with a small family

    run shop and has grownconsistently over the years. They are now supplying toy storesnationwide and are

    considered to be the primary supplier of children'scollectable novelty erasers.

    Brewster's IT department is relatively small (currently 15 staff) butefficient. They have recently employed

    an IT Manager in an attemptto improve the management of the infrastructure, as well as moreeffective use

    of resources and identification of areas for improvement.

    The Brewster's management teams do not have a lot of ITknowledge. The newly appointed IT Manager is

    very ITIL focusedand wants to implement as many ITSM processes as is appropriatethere are currently no

    formal processes in place. On starting with thecompany the IT Manager completed an internal assessment

    of the ITinfrastructure ?including staff skills analysis, and collated the resultsfrom customer satisfaction

    surveys completed over the last 5 years.

    The main areas of concern are as follows:

    Responses from customer satisfaction survey:

    Overall a consistent satisfaction level. However, responses completed during the past 12 months show an

    increase in customers who were unsatisfied with call waiting times when contacting the service desk for

    help with online orders and requests for information.

    Customers added the following additional comments:

    "Never get to speak to the same person twice when dealing with an Incident number, had to call several

    times to receive follow up on progress" "Some of the Service Desk staff seem under qualified to deal with

    my questions about new applications/incidents/service requests"

    Results from Staff Skills Analysis:

    Staff, in general, have a good knowledge of IT systems and a basic understanding of the business

    processes and objectives. However, staff are not well informed of upcoming releases of new or changed

    services and not given adequate information to relay to the customers.

    Staff added the following additional comments:

    "Communication between Service Operation departments has become inefficient - there are meetings for

    the sake of meetings, but the important information we need to know to do our day to day jobs is lacking"

    "I still don't know what half of the people do, that work in the IT department!"

    Results from General IT Infrastructure assessment:

    Lack of event monitoring and planning

    Lack of input from Operational Support departments into Service Design Lack of skill and information

    sharing across the Operational Support teams with regards to Incident, Problem, Workarounds and Known

    Error data. Little to no proactive activities being carried out.

    Refer to Scenario

    Which of the following options would be the most effective option toaddress the issues identified from the

    General IT Infrastructureassessment?

    A. You decide to recommend implementation of the EventManagement process to formalize the event monitoring,planning and overall management. Ensure that there isresource sharing between the Service Design teams andthe Operational Support teams as their input is necessaryto ensure services are designed that will work efficiently inthe live environment. In addition, implement the Problem Management process at the same time, to ensure there are both reactive andproactive activities taking place with regards to Problems,a knowledge bank of information including known errors,workarounds, problems and incident records is producedand maintained.

    B. You are not concerned with the lack of skill sharingbetween the Operational Support departments andService Design as they are two separate entities of theService Lifecycle with their own objectives. You areconcerned, however, with the lack of skill sharing betweenthe Operational Support teams and decide to formalize the1st, 2nd and 3rd lines of support and recommend theadoption of a database that will incorporate all Incidentrecords, Problem records, Known Error records,Workarounds and Event information, so that all staff canhave access to and use this information.

    C. You are not concerned with the lack of skill sharingbetween the Operational Support departments andService Design as they are two separate entities of theService Lifecycle with their own objectives. You areconcerned, however, with the lack of Event monitoring andplanning and foresee this as being a potential major issue.You decide to recommend implementation of the EventManagement process to formalize the event monitoring,planning and overall management. Ensure that there isresource sharing between the Service Design teams andthe Operational Support teams as their input is necessaryto ensure services are designed that will work efficiently inthe live environment.

    D. Implement the Problem Management process, to ensurethere are both reactive and proactive activities taking placewith regards to Problems, a knowledge bank of informationincluding known errors, workarounds, problems andincident records is produced and maintained. Once this process is established, working efficiently andstaff have become more accustomed to this new way ofworking, use this success to recommend theimplementation of the Event Management process.

  • Question 23:


    Vericom is a leading provider of government, business and consumertelecommunication services, and is

    currently seeking ways in which toimprove its utilization of IT services to drive growth across its'

    multiplelines of business. One of the largest organizations in the UnitedKingdom, Vericom is comprised of

    the following business units:

    Verinet (providing ADSL, cable, 3GSM, dialup and satelliteservices) Infrastructure Services (planning,

    installing and maintainingthe PSTN and mobile network infrastructure)

    VericomTV (Pay TV)

    Consumer Sales and Marketing (including 400 Vericom retailoutlets) Business and Government

    Finance and Administration

    Information Technology Services (Shared Service Unit,however some business units also have their own

    internalservice provider) Human Resources

    Vericom Wholesale (for wholesale of Vericom infrastructureservices)

    Due to the extensive scope of infrastructure deployed and largeemployee and customer base, Vericom

    continues to rely on legacysystems for some critical IT services; however this is seen asabarrier to future

    organizational growth and scalability of servicesoffered. The CIO of Vericom has also raised the concern

    that whileimprovements to the technology utilized is important, this also needsto be supported by quality IT Service Management practicesemployed by the various IT departments.

    The project of improving the IT Service Management practicesemployed by Vericom has been outsourced to external consultantswho are aware of the major IT refresh that is going to be occurringover the next 24 months.

    Refer to the scenario.

    As part of the major refresh of IT systems, it has been agreed that theexisting ITIL processes of Incident and Problem Management are notperforming adequately. Recent surveys indicate that:

    A high percentage of incidents are being escalated tosecond linesupport staff There is inconsistency in the knowledge captured fordiagnosing and resolving incidents and problems Problem Management is predominantly reactive and typicallyonly executed when a large volume of incidents are identifiedto be of a common root cause There is little handover of knowledge (including documentationof Known Errors) for many releases deployed, creatingsignificant workloads for the support groups in the weeksfollowing deployment.

    Which of the following responses BEST represents the way in whichyou would seek to improve the situation?

    A. You understand the need to review current practices, soyou compare current practices against those described inthe ITIL volume of Service Operation. You perform a gapanalysis, and realize most of the issues relate toinadequate knowledge capture and sharing. You focus onimproving this by: Reviewing the tools and systems used, and develop abusiness case for acquiring new Knowledge ManagementSoftware to be used by the IT division. Creating rules for the escalation of incident and problemsso that higher level support groups are not overloaded Improving the level of documentation and knowledgecapture by running incentive programs rewarding staff forthe number of contributions made to the knowledgebase Conducting training on how to use the refreshed Incidentand Problem Management processes. Developing performance metrics to be reviewed forIncident and Problem Management

    B. You communicate the need to review the situation, invitingvarious stakeholders from the IT departments and otherbusiness units to discuss the issues at hand. Your mainconcern is the lack of communication between various ITgroups, so to improve this you focus on: Improving the Release Policy to be adhered to by thevarious Release and Deployment teams, stating thedocumentation and knowledge transfer requirements forthe different types of releases performed. Developing guidelines, procedures and associatedincentives for the capture of knowledge relating toincidents, problems and general service requests. Conducting training and awareness sessions on therequirements for documentation and knowledge capture. Rotating developers and second line staff through theService Desk every three months Develop consistency in the Early Life Support provided bydesign/specialist staff for major releases Improving the interfaces between Incident and Problem Management, particularly those around escalation andproblem detection. Scheduling regular Proactive Problem Managementreviews, which will look at trends in incidents andproblems, and to identify vulnerable infrastructurecomponents. Developing metrics that will be used to evaluate the valueand performance of the Incident and ProblemManagement processes.

    C. You understand the need for compliance to the definedprocesses, as currently many staff do not follow prescribedguidelines and procedures. Your efforts focus on improvingcompliance to the Incident and Problem Managementprocesses by: Auditing the processes, seeking where exceptions todefined procedures occur Running awareness sessions to communicate the valueand importance of the processes in place Modifying existing systems and tools so that improvecompliance to existing processes Evaluating which groups are underperforming to identifyany training that needs to occur

    D. You communicate the need to understand more about thecurrent issues, so you invite the Service Desk, Incident,Problem and Release and Deployment managers to a meetingto review the situation. Your main concern is the lack ofdocumentation and knowledge being recorded by various ITgroups, so to improve this you focus on: Defining the requirements for knowledge capture andtransfer (including Known Errors) so that allcommunication is improved Improving the tools and systems used for by the variousgroups for knowledge capture and transfer Creating rules for the escalation of incident and problemsso that higher level support groups are not overloaded Develop consistency in the Early Life Support provided bydesign/specialist staff for major releases Assigning responsibility to the lead infrastructure architectto oversee Proactive Problem Management. Conducting training on how to use the refreshed Incidentand Problem Management processes. Rotating Service Desk staff through higher level supportteams every three months Developing performance metrics to be reviewed forIncident and Problem Management

  • Question 24:


    Vericom is a leading provider of government, business and consumertelecommunication services, and is

    currently seeking ways in which toimprove its utilization of IT services to drive growth across its'

    multiplelines of business. One of the largest organizations in the UnitedKingdom, Vericom is comprised of

    the following business units:

    Verinet (providing ADSL, cable, 3GSM, dialup and satellite services) Infrastructure Services (planning,

    installing and maintaining the PSTN and mobile network infrastructure)

    VericomTV (Pay TV)

    Consumer Sales and Marketing (including 400 Vericom retailoutlets) Business and Government

    Finance and Administration

    Information Technology Services (Shared Service Unit, however some business units also have their own

    internal service provider) Human Resources

    Vericom Wholesale (for wholesale of Vericom infrastructureservices)

    Due to the extensive scope of infrastructure deployed and largeemployee and customer base, Vericom

    continues to rely on legacysystems for some critical IT services; however this is seen as abarrier to future

    organizational growth and scalability of servicesoffered. The CIO of Vericom has also raised the concern

    that whileimprovements to the technology utilized is important, this also needsto be supported by quality IT Service Management practicesemployed by the various IT departments. The project of improving the IT Service Management practicesemployed by Vericom has been outsourced to external consultantswho are aware of the major IT refresh that is going to be occurringover the next 24 months.

    Refer to the scenario.

    Discussions have recently been held regarding the performance ofthe Incident and Problem Management. There has been someconfusion among IT managers as to what metrics demonstrate thequality and performance of these two processes.

    From the options below, which represents the best range ofmeasures for evaluating the success of Incident and ProblemManagement?





  • Question 25:


    Brewster's is a toy factory that has been in business for 30 years.The company started with a small family

    run shop and has grownconsistently over the years. They are now supplying toy storesnationwide and are

    considered to be the primary supplier of children'scollectable novelty erasers.

    Brewster's IT department is relatively small (currently 15 staff) butefficient. They have recently employed

    an IT Manager in an attemptto improve the management of the infrastructure, as well as moreeffective use

    of resources and identification of areas for improvement.

    The Brewster's management teams do not have a lot of ITknowledge. The newly appointed IT Manager is

    very ITIL focusedand wants to implement as many ITSM processes as is appropriatethere are currently no

    formal processes in place. On starting with thecompany the IT Manager completed an internal assessment

    of the ITinfrastructure ?including staff skills analysis, and collated the resultsfrom customer satisfaction

    surveys completed over the last 5 years.

    The main areas of concern are as follows:

    Responses from customer satisfaction survey:

    Overall a consistent satisfaction level. However, responsescompleted during the past 12 months show an

    increase incustomers who were unsatisfied with call waiting times whencontacting the service desk for

    help with online orders andrequests for information.

    Customers added the following additional comments:

    "Never get to speak to the same person twice when dealing with an Incident number, had to call several

    times to receive follow up on progress" "Some of the Service Desk staff seem under qualified to deal with

    my questions about new applications/incidents/service requests"

    Results from Staff Skills Analysis:

    Staff, in general, have a good knowledge of IT systems and abasic understanding of the business

    processes andobjectives. However, staff are not well informed of upcomingreleases of new or changed

    services and not given adequateinformation to relay to the customers.

    Staff added the following additional comments:

    "Communication between Service Operationdepartments has become inefficient - there aremeetings for

    the sake of meetings, but the importantinformation we need to know to do our day to day jobsis lacking"

    "I still don't know what half of the people do, that workin the IT department!"

    Results from General IT Infrastructure assessment:

    Lack of event monitoring and planning Lack of input from Operational Support departments intoService Design Lack of skill and information sharing across the OperationalSupport teams with regards to Incident, Problem,Workarounds and Known Error data. Little to no proactive activities being carried out.

    Refer to Scenario

    Which of the following options would be most suitable to address theissues identified from the Customer Satisfaction Survey?

    A. You decide that the first two ITSM processes that need to be implemented are Incident Management and Request Fulfillment. As this will enable formal management and coordination of the Service Desk, and ensure that Incidents and Service Requests are dealt with accordingly, enabling separate logging and monitoring and faster call response times Send a formal memo to all customers, introducing yourself and your new role, thanking them for their valuable feedback and addressing the issues raised in the survey results and how you intend to resolve them.

    B. You decide that the first two ITSM processes that need to be implemented are Incident Management and Request Fulfillment. As this will enable formal management and coordination of the Service Desk, and ensure that Incidents and Service Requests are dealt with accordingly, enabling separate logging and monitoring and faster call response times. In addition, you will ensure that the new Incident Manager will ensure the Service Desk is the single point of contact, as a first priority. This needs to be the focus over the next quarter to ensure that this policy is adopted ASAP, you will suggest reward options to ensure that staff and end users are in no doubt that this is an essential requirement supported by senior management. Send a formal memo to allcustomers, introducing yourself and your new role. Thanking them for their valuable feedback and addressing the issues raised in the survey results and how you intend to resolve them.

    C. The results of this initial assessment are better than you had expected, you do not see any need to change things yet. You are not concerned with the additional comments as the general feedback is that customers are satisfied with the end to end service and that a 100% satisfaction is unrealistic. You will suggest to the Business that more staff is required for the Service Desk to ensure that call waiting times are reduced and that a more detailed and selective criteria is used as part of the selection process to ensure staff are at the correct skill level and competency.

    D. The results of this initial assessment are better than you had expected, you do not see any need to change things yet. You will suggest to the Business that it will be beneficial to complete another initial assessment in one year, after the next Customer Satisfaction Survey is completed, to compare the satisfaction levels and, if required, identify areas for improvement at that stage.

  • Question 26:


    Vericom is a leading provider of government, business and consumertelecommunication services, and is

    currently seeking ways in which toimprove its utilization of IT services to drive growth across its'

    multiplelines of business. One of the largest organizations in the UnitedKingdom, Vericom is comprised of

    the following business units:

    Verinet (providing ADSL, cable, 3GSM, dialup and satellite services) Infrastructure Services (planning,

    installing and maintaining the PSTN and mobile network infrastructure)

    VericomTV (Pay TV)

    Consumer Sales and Marketing (including 400 Vericom retailoutlets) Business and Government

    Finance and Administration

    Information Technology Services (Shared Service Unit, however some business units also have their own

    internal service provider) Human Resources

    Vericom Wholesale (for wholesale of Vericom infrastructureservices)

    Due to the extensive scope of infrastructure deployed and largeemployee and customer base, Vericom

    continues to rely on legacysystems for some critical IT services; however this is seen as abarrier to future

    organizational growth and scalability of servicesoffered. The CIO of Vericom has also raised the concern

    that whileimprovements to the technology utilized is important, this also needsto be supported by quality IT

    Service Management practicesemployed by the various IT departments.

    The project of improving the IT Service Management practicesemployed by Vericom has been outsourced

    to external consultantswho are aware of the major IT refresh that is going to be occurringover the next 24


    Refer to the scenario.

    With Vericom being a large organization (approximately 40 000 staff),some of the business units have

    developed their own internal ITdepartments to supplement the services provided by the

    centralizedInformation Technology Services (ITS) department. This has occurreddue to the specialized

    needs and requirements for technology,specifically Verinet, VericomTV and Consumer Sales and


    While the decision has been made that this organizational structure isto remain in place, there has been

    identified issues relating to a lackof consistency in IT Service Management processes used by thedifferent

    departments and unclear boundaries for the responsibilitiesof the various IT Service Desks. This has

    resulted in:

    End users calling the wrong Service Desk, requiring the call tobe redirected to the appropriate group

    Inconsistency in the categorization and classification ofservice requests, incidents and problems, causing

    confusionand frustration when there are multiple IT departmentsinvolved

    Known Errors being recorded internally within the various ITdepartments, which may in fact have a wider

    impact on thewhole organization when these are not visible to everyone

    Inconsistency in the Service Management systems and toolsused for handling service requests, incidents,

    problems andKnown Errors.

    From the following responses, which BEST represents theapproach you would take to overcome the

    issues describedabove?

    A. You realize a coordinated approach is the best method,including: The development of the ITS Service Desk to be the singlepoint of contact for ALL end user (internal) queries. This willbe performed over a 6 month period, to take account for anytraining and transfer of knowledge that needs to occur. ThisService Desk will then escalate to the appropriate second linegroup (from any of the IT departments) as required. Develop consistency across all departments for categoriesand priority coding systems used for all service requests,incidents and problems. Build or purchase a consistent service management tool thatwill be used by all IT departments for managing incidents,problems, Known Errors and service requests. Holding regular review sessions involving staff from each ofthe IT departments to discuss current issues, recurring andpotential problems future initiatives.

    B. You realize a phased approach is the best method, includingfour phases: Phase 1 ?Build or purchase a service management tool thatwill be used by all IT departments for managing incidents,problems and service requests Phase 2 ?Standardize the use of ITIL processes used by theITS department across all IT departments at Vericom Phase 3 ?Deliver training and awareness sessions for staffregarding the importance of the processes and how theyshould be used. Phase 4 ?Review the success of the project and pass anylessons learnt onto future projects

    C. You realize a coordinated approach is the best method,including: Developing a telephone system that will route calls to theappropriate Service Desk based on the user's input. Thisshould also provide the capability for a Service Desk analystto call them back during peak periods. Develop consistency in all the categories assigned to servicerequests, incidents and problems across all IT departments. Build or purchase a service management tool that will be usedby all IT departments for managing incidents, problems,Known Errors and service requests Hold regular review sessions involving key staff from each ofthe IT departments to discuss current issues and potentialproblems.

    D. You realize that improving the business awareness of IT ismost important, and address the issues by: Identifying the training requirements of end users to improvetheir use of IT service Implement an online Service Catalogue for all IT Services,with self-help capabilities to log and track incidents, problemsand service requests Assist Service Level Management in improving the visibility ofthe IT organization in general, and identify areas of customersatisfaction that need improving Build or purchase a service management tool that will be usedby all IT departments and end users for managing incidents,problems, Known Errors and service requests

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