Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :EMC Content Management Server Programming(CMSP)
  • Certification
    :Legato Cert
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :229 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Mar 11, 2025

EMC Legato Cert E20-405 Questions & Answers

  • Question 161:

    What is the result of executing the following code? (Assume that all variables and constants are valid.)

    A. no records

    B. all dm_document objects in the repository

    C. current versions of all dm_document objects in the repository

    D. An exception is thrown as no attributes have been specified in the select clause.

  • Question 162:

    Which statement is used to retrieve the current version of a dm_document object that has 2 versions, given its chronicle id chronicle_id?

    A. getObject(chronicle_id)

    B. getObjectByQualification("dm_document (all) where r_object_id = '" + chronicle_id + "'")

    C. getObjectByQualification("dm_document where i_chronicle_id = '" + chronicle_id + "'")

    D. getObjectByQualification("select r_object_id from dm_document (all) wherei_chronicle_id = '" + chronicle_id + "'")

  • Question 163:

    You want to get an object, but there is more than one object that meets the qualification. What should you do?

    A. iterate through the results of the getFolderByPath() method

    B. use the getObjectByQualification() method with a qualifier that includes all of the objects

    C. use a query and iterate through the resulting collection

    D. use the getObjectPaths() and iterate through the resulting enumeration

  • Question 164:

    What does the object retrieval method getObjectByQualification() do if the provided query returns no object?

    A. throws a DfObjectNotFoundException

    B. returns null.

    C. returns an IDfCollection object containing no element

    D. throws a DfResultContentException

  • Question 165:

    Given the following steps: Which statement is true?

    A. The object cannot be deleted in Step 3.

    B. getObject method will always raise an exception.

    C. getObject method may succeed since the object may be present in the client and/or servercache.

    D. getObject method will return null.

  • Question 166:

    In which interface is the following method declared? public IDfPersistentObject getObjectByQualification (String qualification)

    A. IDfQuery

    B. IDfSession

    C. IDfSysObject

    D. IDfPersistentObject

  • Question 167:

    You want to retrieve one document from a specific cabinet 'XYZ' using the getObjectByQualification(String qualification) method. Which qualifier should you use?

    A. dm_document WHERE FOLDER('/XYZ')

    B. dm_document WHERE r_folder_path = '/XYZ'

    C. SELECT r_object_id FROM dm_document WHERE FOLDER('/XYZ')

    D. SELECT r_object_id FROM dm_document WHERE r_folder_path = '/XYZ'

  • Question 168:

    Which version of a document, given a valid ID, is certain to be returned when the following method is called? IDfSession.getObject(IDfId objectId)

    A. first version

    B. last version

    C. current version

    D. specific version

  • Question 169:

    Given the following information about a document in the repository: If this is the only document in the cabinet shown, which statement will have the best performance when querying for the object?

    A. IDfPersistentObject obj = session.getObject(clientX.getId("094af3ce80000200"));

    B. IDfId id = session.getIdByQualification("where r_object_id='094af3ce80000200'");

    C. IDfPersistentObject obj = session.getObjectByPath("/Marketing/logo.jpg");

    D. IDfPersistentObject obj = session.getObjectByQualification("where r_folder_path='/Marketing' and object_name='logo.jpg'");

  • Question 170:

    Which is the valid method for retrieving the folder named "example1" located in the "dmadmin" cabinet, given that the "dmadmin" cabinet only contains one folder and that session is a valid IDfSession object?

    A. IDfFolder folder = session.getFolderByPath("example1");

    B. IDfFolder folder = session.getFolderByPath("/dmadmin");

    C. IDfFolder folder = (IDfFolder)session.getObjectByPath("/dmadmin");

    D. IDfFolder folder = session.getFolderByPath("/dmadmin/example1");

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